Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Love-Wat Exactly is it???!!!

Love Love Love!!! i have heard enuf abt wat love is from every second person i knew......but today here i wud wanna put forth Love as perceived by me when i look at few frends of mine........
Startin from school......

Sravanthi:Mutual respect and trust on each other and a strict No-No for any intimate relationships until marriage.......If its true it waits patiently........

Pavani:Love is being urself......lettin out ur happiness sadness anger and sharing it with a spl person in this world.......n trust in her sense was to believe him completely.......

Sudeepthi:Love is not always abt happiness.......Love is Sacrifice......n marriage doesnt have to be the end of any successful love affair.......

Archana:Love is al abt loving a Reddy Guy :).......hope she wud forgive me for writing it this way........yet she believes family is equally imp to completely love ur patner........

Anirudh:Love is a pleasant and extraordinary feeling which doesnt happen to al n sundry.......Its great to fall in love unless the girl is a "burkhi"wali.......(this is for him n not generalised).........

Vamsi:Love is Shit......pure shit......n if u ask him more al he can say is "love is al abt getting as intimate as u can with her.......its jus a way of letting out ur energy".

Raju:Love is not goin against ur parents......atleast for him....he wudnt fall in love anyday coz his family wudnt spare him if he did..........

Rajsekhar:Love happens in movies n for ppl like him it really doesnt work out.......n he hasnt told abt a single crush which he ever cherished.....

Somnath:Love is al abt dating n goin out with girls......shudnt think too deep abt its effects......

Now time for my really close college frenz........

Shruthi:Love is in the air....nature n i love being loved by al......n love can be in any form between anyone.....a hard core follower of it......love u shruthi.....;).......

Smitha:Love is al abt strong crushes n not neglecting ur family's preferences when u like or have a strong crush on someone........

Priyanka:Love is not breaking ur parents heart.....neither is it breaking ur heart......but if u have a war between these two.......i like to see my parents happy rather than myslef coz they know wats best for me........

Harika:Love is frendship......Two frends can make great lovers.......n oh yeah she believes marriage isint the end of love....only Death.....harika baga cheppanaaa;)......

Shipra:Love is abt loving the one person in ur life whom u trust believe and can get along with.........be it loving ur husband after marriage or loving ur BF bfr marriage.....

Now Love according to one Really Spl Frend of mine who wudnt want to be named........

"Love is abt being exactly urself n not having to say sorry anyday.......Love is bein able to forgive n forget.......Love is to see ur sweetheart in other women if she isint arnd;)......i hope ppl are seeing......:)

Last but not the least how I perceive Love........
Love is al abt bein happy......being happier n bein happiest.....knowin more n more each day abt ur only one.....Love is abt surprises......the only thing tht shud matter is....."when ur happy with him are u sure it wud surpass al those low moments in ur life and remain ever cherished"....n yeah......Love is definitely not somethin tht we see in movies......few of them always an exception tho.......


bullwinkle said...

When I read the topic, thought it was anothr of ur sermons or something...but this compiliation of ppl's opinions is cool...it just shows how contrasting ppl are....he he he.....good one....

Harika Korukonda said...

gud work madam!!...tht really shows hw much the opinion on love differs fm person to person....bt evryone has to agree tht its a great feeling n is worth all the pain n suffering(if any)....bt jus 2 lines on evry person wsnt enuf re...u cud hav written more na...knwing different perspectives of love is toooo interstin!!!

Bhargav said...

love in ur view holds good only in very rare cases .. i feel that love is bullshit only after i hav seen some instances around me. many guys pretend to be wat actually they r not.. females r no exception. i got a feeling that just for having intimate relationship they use love as a weapon. u know entire world is going on flirting each other .. see.. many guys/females donot agree this .. actually this topic of love get on my nerves. i will give u an example ..a female here in my college she changed 4 or 5 guys in past few years .. u might say this is an execption . but when u look into ur surrounding ,may b ur closest friend's issue. their relationship seems to b true love to u . but u r just observing them for 4 or 5 years ..after couple of yrs who knows they r still going to be lovers, still caring about each other ..

Sahithi Paleti said...

i have never generalised anything nor am i saying everybosy'd love is true or untrue..there are diff ways of perceiving love n deciding tht its true also varies....world is full of contradictions....n i respect everybody's opinion....n it also depends of the kinda environment ur into...no pun intended...but im lookign at the positive side of it..n ur lookign at the negative side of it....

Rahul said...

Love can neither be created nor be destroyed.It's an ingredient of every being.We love and that itself means it's not an accident.The phrase 'love is blind' is senseless.It's something which has an aim and gives a meaning to life helping 100% in fulfilling the purpose of ones life.What u love depends on our purpose in life - simply our aims and ambitions.The raw concepts love and hatred by themselves have no meaning.The way we use(or apply) them in our lives gives them their worth.Love and hatred are equally important.It all depends on what we love and what we hate.Hitler loved power and hated Jews.Mother Teresa loved those suffering and hated comforts .Abdul Kalam loves science and hates everything that hinders human development.

We love our familymates,careers,lovers and sundry coz we live for them.Love starts with a purpose. This should make it clear to all that it's not love if we love something or someone without a purpose.The word love in above sentence(in bold) is an infatuation or an attraction.Such a thing might earn you happiness but trust me it makes no difference to your improvement curve.If mere comfort survial is what you are here for then believe me,your existence doesn't make sense to me.

Attaching happiness to love doesn't make it great.Adding a purpose to it makes it great. So in particular if you love a gal or guy...make sure your purpose of love is in sync with you aims and ambitions.Otherwise such a relationship becomes an unnecessary loop in life and doesn't last long and committments like marriages makes that unnecessary loop worse.So when you love see that your love is boon to achieving your dreams and fulfilling your purpose in life.Only such love is worth a human life.

Sahithi Paleti said...

thanx for ur comment.n abt happiness.the word happiness cant be generalised.n me bein happy with him is possible only when i achieve my goals.only when we achieve our ambitions in life.i know this.but on a general level we are happy when we do al this.thus attachin a purpose need not be necessary coz it mite be interwoven in u bein happy itself.but wateva u said absolutely true n worth a reading.nice post.i dint convey it in a deeper sense coz it was my own conviction tht mattered to em n so jus finished it off in a statement.

freak-y said...

love is when u try to hate someone and list out why you hate them, u end up noticing that u only hate them because u expect more from the ones closer to ur hear :)

variety ga unte feel kavaddu, well this is how i define it.