Sunday, August 26, 2012

22nd August 2012, My Birthday in Amrika :P

Flashback @@@@@@@
On 23rd Aug, 2011, we were leaving to USA and my birthday, which fell right before that was lost in the flow. I did have a cake cutting(which seems to be indispensable with birthdays!!) but nothing special.....we were too busy to celebrate..... My dear husband, Arjun, promised that next year will be very special and he will ensure I have a memorable time.

Fast-forward to Aug 22nd, 2012. My in-laws visited us from New Jersey and were here on my birthday. My husband planned a drive and dinner at home on that day, which I was just about okay with. I thought of having a nicer celebration over the weekend since my birthday was on a weekday.
One day before my birthday, I realized that I didnt have a new dress and nor any special celebration and was all dejected. Somehow, I love celebrating my birthday (dont know if it will last after my 30th bday :P). I did make a mention of it with my husband, who pretty much knew the same and just nodded.

At 12am, we had the routine cake cutting and thanks to some of our friends (Sreedhar and Saraswathi) who planned a surprise visit to wish me, the event was quite memorable. Then started the actual fun. My dear hubby has a game planned for me. A Treasure Hunt!!! I love playing any games which involve clues and hunting them down. He started giving me clues, one at a time and I was taking time to decipher it and then run to that place, to find a card for me....and the card has something very genuine and nice thing written, about me that is!! :)....You hardly hear your husband praising you for what you are, so any simple statement from him meant a lot :D....Most of his messages were very well though of, which left me blushing and speechless :)

This saga continued and I ran all over the house, looking for cards and what messages they carried....I am sure many of you might have played this with friends and family or for birthdays itself....but for me, its very special since the clues Arjun gave were so original and true!!....There were moments where I blushed and wanted to give a big hug and kiss to him, but had to refrain due to the presence of others around :P 

Each card he left for me, had one pet name that he gave to me over the time, some of which I do like, though I always hated the concept of having pet names. I was quite excited for the time that I was searching  for cards, but I was definitely quick :P....Most of the clues were very personalized, stuff that he knew about me and it was easier for me to decipher them than others...or should a say, a few of them atleast! 

The final card was at the Puja Mandir and it had a check in it ;)......But the money really didnt matter to me(as much as the treasure hunt). In fact, I was so happy with what he already did that i didnt want any more gifts at all!! And the icing on the cake was the dress he pulled out from a cover, that he got for me. 

Its very rare that ALL your birthday wishes come true, but I am glad that I had all of mine come true, thanks to my dear hubby :) We spent the next day evening at Snoqualmie Falls and Muckelshoot Casino, which was fun too. I am so very glad that this birthday has been special and memorable, just the way I wanted it!!! 

As we keep growing older, the enthusiam to celebrate birthday might wane and hence, I always feel its important to celebrate that one day with all that you can and everyone around you has a responsibility of making you feel special on that day :D....atleast for those who take their birthday very seriously :P....

The Actual Clues:
1.We are Trend Setters! I guess many of these white folk must have been puzzled by the game we played on the boat!
2.You are a voracious avid reader stacking books all the time ;)
3.Most common breakfast! You call me boring for I don’t try too many!
4.Perfumes are one of the greatest ways to get going in this busy life
5.Typing is a daily activity we all do….I guess you got one external keyboard at your work recently!
6. Clothes dry in it, especially in places like Seattle! Oops, Look down!
7.Fire…..Fire….911….You may use this to get things under control ;)
8. Buggy gadu wants one hug!
9. Oooh, its freezing cold in here!
10.Lazy bees like you don’t like it, but everyone gets refreshed at this place!
11.You were amazed by a bunk bed at Lake Chelan, weren’t you?
12.I should search for this! I forgot this one myself! :P

And the Answers were:
1.       Sequence game…the card was inside the board
2.       The card was amidst the book I was reading!
3.       Cornflakes! Card was under the box
4.       Below the perfumes in our room
5.       Beneath the keyboard
6.       Dryer…..and then I look into the washer since the clue asked me to look down
7.       Behind the fire extinguisher
8.       The teddy bear soft toy named “Buggy” had a card in his lap
9.       Freezer
10.   Bath! The card was in the rack
11.   The side racks of the bed
12.   It was in the shoe rack and the hint was….u collect so many of these….

I wish I could post the content of the cards here…..but its very special and close to my heart and didn’t want to eulogize myself by posting them here :P

Today, I grow an year older and hopefully a lot wiser too. I did have birthday resolutions earlier but this year, I know I was doing well and didnt need any special resolutions to keep. Do reach out to me, if you feel otherwise :P

A new year has begun for me, and I am loving it!! :D


Anonymous said...

Awesome surprise!! :) I'm sure it meant more than what you have expressed here Paleti :D Many wishes that all your birthdays be as eventful as this one!!
And I doubt if your bday enthu will wane after 30 too! :D Keep it going!!

driftwood said...

smally! I so loved it! keep it rocking ya! for rest of the comment, follow the hint below- we always discuss there.. :P

Unknown said...

Papa... This one is for Arjun.. U will soon be getting a call from my hubby... ( konchem baaga training ivvu);)

Sahithi Paleti said...

@Lavy - Yeah, i followed ur hint...will call soon :D

Silvia Doomra said...

Awww!!! So cutee... I am glad that you had so much fun and your kanjoos hubby made it soo sooo special :P. Once again, Belated happy birthday dear.